2001-01-22 | 14:12:39

Partygirl and Puce are not happy campers right now. Please give them some love. Talking about love I should spread some out to Gingi also since she seems to need some support. I'm here for ya honey if you need anything. Seems like my buddies are flying in crappy winds as of late and that's not cool. I hope they all get the bursts of joy they need and definitely deserve.

I need more sleep. Seriously. And I must be some sort of dumbass to stay up almost the whole damn night just because some stupid fbi investigation or crime scene documentary is on tv. I only do this to myself because I think I want to be some sort of Clarice Starling or Dana Scully. Dumbass I tell you people, I'm a dumbass.

I can't believe my weekend flew by so fast. I think we should all start thinking about a 3 day weekend. Just let's drop monday from the work week altogether now. It's a crappy day to go back to wok and don't we all just really want to stay in bed and sleep off most of the weekend anyway? I sure as hell know I do. And you'd think my downtime this weekend would have been more relaxing but my body is so used to being up early that it wakes me up at the same time I have to go to work both on Saturday and Sunday. Damn body clock. There should be a way to hit snooze on the damn thing.

But I better get going. I'm at work after all. Maybe I'll update again today, if the mood permits.


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