2001-01-30 | 14:43:26

So it's pouring out. You know what this means? C'mon kiddies I know you do! I have faith in you! Yep you guessed it. I'm not going to the Jackie 60 - Betty in Bondage Party anymore. I mean I could go and be all skanky in my long black wig and all, but let's face it I hate the rain just as much as I hate the snow and there is no way I am going to a party tonight to wake up tomorrow to have to come into work. Hell no! So I'll just stay home tonight and then on thursday night I'll probably go out to Escuelita's with the lush duo and some other people. Who know's what will happen before then. Oh and there's always happy hour with Kittie Girl after work. So things should pan out nicely by the end of the week.

Talking of which I need to get things in order for other events soon to happen. Stuff like making sure I have decent wear for snowy bunny slopes and not little party dresses and shirts because that's not going to get me anywhere. Also I have to check out how much the prices for a Las Vegas weekend away trip thing might be. Just in case. But it's good for future refernce also because I might go to Las Vegas with the lush duo also. We talked about it when we were all intoxicated (which now that I think of it might have just been babble). But still, never hurts to look.

Gotta go, duty calls and I need to get back to work.


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