2001-02-05 | 981418734

So I've been cranky all day so far. I think the reason for it all is the disgusting weather outside. (I've renamed it diarreah snow. It just splats onto the sidewalk). And the fact that I'm surfing the crimson wave and pain shoots through my lower back every few minutes does not make me a happy camper indeed. The only think I have to be thankful for is the fact that this is happening now and not on the ski trip I am going to take this next weekend. Fuck if I was surfing the wave then I would totally be a raving bitch to everyone. This way I can just be moody by myself and thats fine and dandy for me.

So I found ski pants yesterday while walking around with my mother. Very cheap also. $29.99. You can't get those bad boys for that price at all and so I'm glad I meandered into that sports store just to look around. They had a massive sale and I came away with nice ski pants that will last me forever. Which means you know today I've already trudged through diarreah snow to return my 2 nylon Old Navy pants during my lunchtime break. But thats ok because on the way back I stopped at Rickys and bought a small plastic bottle with a screw cap that I can use to fill up my shampoo and take with me. Good thinking I'd say. I also managed to buy my 'Dr. Feelgood' at Sephora which has made me a little bit happier.

So I'm pretty much set for this weekend trip. All I need to do is find a pair of boots that I can walk in the snow with. I was going to wear my winter boots but they are made of suede and I don't really want to ruin them. Of course I might have to. I'll look around before Friday and if worst comes to worst I'll wear them.

So, so far I'm set. Nothing else to worry about. Hopefully nothing will pop into view and become an obstacle before then. So that's me in a nutshell for now.

Yeah...me in a nutshell - like that would ever happen. My fatass would never fit into one!


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