2001-02-12 | 14:32:31

OK so I knew going to this ski trip was going to be some sort of opportunity. I just didn't know it was the bad kind. Let me just say that I think that if I knew how it was going ot be before going I would have nver gone. But I live and learn as my friend says. Now I understand that I am completely different from everyone I work with and no amount of trying to "mingle" will work. It's like olive oil and vinegar. No gonna happen so I won't even try. Add to the fact that I am sore all over still and that my head is pounding. So all I can say is that I was a dumbass and next time just because a trip is free doesn't mean its going to be fun. No siree. More like slow torture.

But its good that I went because then I got the opportunity to see how far I am from these people. I mean they seriously have a warped way to have fun. One of which I absolutely don't enjoy. All I can say is thank god that I brought my book and music - both of which I used good and plenty.

Thursday night was fun though. I met up with gingi, partygirl, cubiclegirl, and riot718. Of course there were 3 other 'chicks' at the chick night that I had never met before but soon everything changed and we were all talking. Such topics as the lovely hello kitty dildo, how a certain cubiclegirl is a chameleon with changing colors, riot718's make up love after having come upon the MAC counter at a department store, oh and of couse we heard a few tales from partygirl, because as we all know she rocks the party that rocks the party with all the absolutely fabulous "chicks". It was a gret night and I was sorry to see it end so briefly. But it was definitely something that I would like to repeat again ASAP. These girls know how to party.

This week I plan to go and watch Hannibal with a friend, sleep as much as possible, and actually hang around people I feel comfy with. Because after this past weekend I need it.

Things to do today also involve me going to Old Navy to purchase that hooded sweatshirt because that baby will be used big time. That and also stepping into teh Canal Street Jeans store for this bag I saw 3 weeks ago and that I still want. So after 3 weeks I think if I want it that bad I can have it. You know since I try to be trendy and all (yeah what a laugh!)

Well that's it for now. I've consumed my toasted bagel with cream cheese, I've drunken all of my chocolate milk, and even managed to download a few things off of Napster. I'm good to go for the day which means I'll be leaving for now.


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