2001-02-21 | 21:47:13

OK I have no clue why my picture doesn't come up when I come to this page. But frankly I'm not going to mess with stuff now. I may be cracky - this computer might be. Heaven knows - and why even mess with shit I'm starting to know?!


I like that Outkast song 'Sorry Miss Jackson'. I don't know why. And I always think of Janet Jackson when I hear it for some reason. Once again I don't know why but still it's a thumpin song. And when I say thumpin I mean my foot can't but not thump on the ground to it.

So I've been going on various interviews. All promising good things. I just want something good to happen like NOW. I hate all this waiting around. I'm impatient. I want to be able to do stuff. I want to prove to others how friggen fabulous I am so that they can run after me and beg for me not to leave. Because you know I am absolutely fabulous like that.

You know everytime I hear this band called 'Soul Decision' on MTV and I am just able to listen to them I think it's like George Michael. Seriously. If you close your eyes they all put together sound a liitle bit like George Michael did when he was younger singing with Wham. And I don't know if all their songs sound like that. I just know that this song sounds like that.

OK...as everyone can see I've been watching too much TRL when I get back home from the job hunt. And today I couldn't even scream out 'CARSON YOU SUCK COCK!' As I usually do. A la Partygirl because he's not there because his pansy ass is in LA 'experiencing' the Grammy's for MTV. Well la de fricken da! How come he gets to do this shit is what I want to know? I mean he's not cute what so ever, he's a pain in the ass and he sucks cock. I mean come on people! Even a chimp could do his job! But the funniest thing is that I don't think I've ever seen so many pre-pubescent teens with metal in their mouths as I have today. What a wave of those tiny freaks. Really. But enough about this already.

I'm ashamed to admit but I ordered 2 cd's from Starbucks. It's the 'Hear Music Vol. 1 & 2'. I'm ashamed I know. But still I really liked them when I sat about in a Starbucks and read my book. So frikken sue me! They've arrived and I am going to go off, lay on my bed and listen to some mellow yellow musak! OK? Allright? Fine!

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