2001-03-30 | 2:56 p.m.

Why is it that on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday the sun is out and shining and there's somewhat of a warm breeze going on and then Thursday and Friday hit's and all of a sudden it's like thunderous rain? What the fuck? Apparently weather gods don't want people in NYC to have a damn good weekend. Bastards that they are.

Tonight I get to spend some time with the South American grrl. Not grrlls because one of them has to do something although she said she might get out of it earlier and join us so that's something positive to think about. Of course I may not go out at all if my paycheck doesn't get here before I leave. And that is a shitty thing if it happen's people. I'm hoping it won't. Of course I'm also awaiting for the damn tax check and that hasn't shown up yet either. Bastard government people.

Today is not flashing by as expected. Damn. I think it might be the weather. It's dragging me down with every step. I'm hoping it will lighten up weather wise later on so that at least my night won't blow big chunks. I mean its not like I'm going to be doing anything remotely productive - just drinking, but still drinking on a rainy night kinda sucks. Of course if it pours down like this morning my fatass is not moving at all. Well I'll make the attempt to not move at all but no doubtedly I will want a little drinky poo to get the weekend started right so I'll end up going out anyways. (I have no shame - really.)

On a side bar:

1. Partygirl if I can't get my daily fix of you I will have to find you more stalkers soon! Seriously what's up with the password protection thing...what's going on there honey?! What have you done this time? *lol*

2. Cubiclegirl I hope that your having fun in Nashville. If anyone deserves some fun it would be you.

3. Riot - you'll get something soon. Don't stress. Just think about it this way. You're good enough. You're smart enough, and gosh darn people LOVE YA!

4. Gingi - work is for sissies! *lol* It cut's into your drinking time!

So that's it for now. My Friday is still present. My paycheck isn't, and I want to go home to take apower disco nap!

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