2001-04-27 | 12:11 p.m.

I don't feel like working when there are sunny day's like this. But then again I doubt anyone does. Still I wish I were out somewhere. Running around, getting dirty - then not careing about it and wiping my hands on my overalls. Oh wait that's a child's day not mine. Screw that.

Hell I'd like to be sitting somewhere outside in the sun, with my book, and possible a nice glass of sangria or caipirinha. Enjoying the moment. Looking up every now and then as people passed me by. I don't want to be stuck in an office space, granted a nice but small one, and stay here typing this entry. I want to be living the life a little more.

I really like the knock off version of 'Voulez Vous Coucher Avec Moi' that's on the Moulin Rouge soundtrack. I don't want to see the movie because it looks mad stupid but I do like that song. I like the music video to it also. It's really a plastic version of cheap and taudry but hey I can live with that. I can even live with Christina 'I wanna be a ho' Aguileira in it as well.

Talking about ho's I think it's most amusing that "J-Lo" is making a line of clothing. No seriously. I wonder if you have to be a skank to wear her attire? It's the in-between look of Sporty meets Posh Spice Girl. It'll probably fly off the rack as much of her crap usually does. But still I find it ever so humorous.

I can imagine all these women with big butts going out and trying to squeeze themselves into J-Lo pants. *lol* Really the joke just carries itself.

This weekend looks fun as usual. A friends band is playing somewhere in Brooklyn and I might make an appearance there. Before there's a sort of 'chicks night' with co-workers. There might be a meeting of people later on. I use the word might because who knows with those people. Either way my night stands to be pretty full with activity. And that's not so bad either. I don't like staying put. Let's the mind take control - and in my case I start to get too absurd which frankly I'd rather not be for a good long period of time.

And before I go let me mention that Madonna is going on concert. This means that now I am going to go mad until I hold a ticket in my hands and realize that yes I am indeed going to be able to go and sing along with the crowd and be filled with glee at her struttin onstage. Because you know she is the queen of pop and all.

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