2001-05-23 | 12:39 a.m.

"Honey, you're simple, you're shallow, and you're a common whore, that's why we're soulmates!"

"Kare, you're my best friend in the whole world!"

~ Karen & Jack, 'Will & Grace'

Shits and giggles. That's what life is all about. While I mostly try to be kind I've kinda reversed that theory. Maybe it's because its so good to be bad. Maybe because I have found that being a badass has its merits. Of course the good old kind heart is still inside me now - and yet, it knows the reasons why sparks fly when you get into a little bit of trouble. A little bit of danger. Plus it beats faster and harder and longer and god knows I need as much of that as I can get to keep it pumping healthily along. And you know being bad is a good thing once in a while. Especially for shits and giggles.

Memorial weekend is coming up and for once in my life I have plans. Nice plans. Plans that will make me smile and laugh and basically have some fun in the sun. And truthfully I look for nothing more than that. Oh and perhaps a few giggles and old memories shared. And let's face it, there's nothing like having the wind in your hair, and music blaring as you sing along to it.

So my cousin's wedding is July 27th. I'm apparently going. Which is a damn good thing in my book if you ask me. It's about time I go back home. I miss the sounds and smells and sights of Rio de Janeiro. I miss the family a lot also but that doesn't even really have to be said. So yeah, the 27th is the wedding. The party after is still up in the air. I love that. Really I do. All the family weddings I've ever been to have been planned to death and ever so incredibly traditional. And while I have no doubt that this one will too I also know that some new flavors are kicking in. Which means no set plans right now for after. And this is just genius to me. It'll be a regular shitshow and I will love it even more.

There's this poster at the movie theatre next to where I work that I look at every morning and afternoon when I pass to go to work and back home. It's of Angelina in her full Tomb Raider glory. And it's awfully strange because I swear that picture stares me down. I always feel like she's whispering to me...'you feel lucky do you?' And you know what Angelina? Yeah I do. Especially since I pass her poster everyday. Because lets face it this woman is hot. If I was a guy I would be so into her. And yet as a girl I wish I had her lips, breasts, legs, hell her whole body for that matter. I now know to be happy with who I am but everytime I see that picture I want to run around wearing a long braid and thinking I'm some sort of fricken She-Ra. *lol* Go figure! But hey the woman is a sexbomb and more luck to her.

Tomorrow is another day and that means my ass has to get in bed because I'm dead tired.


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