2001-06-04 | 9:32 p.m.

Is it possible to find a soulmate? I stared at the screen as the question was somewhat answered by the Sex & the City women. All differing in opinion. The sad fact remains is that truthfully I would like to believe that there is only one but I'm starting to get turned on into the idea that there might be many. Occasionally they will drop by without me noticing them and therefore never really allowing me to realize that they were soulmates. Or maybe they were flights of fancy. But I'm going to be 25 this month and somehow this leaves me with a sour taste in my mouth. Not that I believe in a prince that will come to save me. No not at all. But I would like to believe that there is one heart beating in reckless abandonment waiting for mine to join his. (God that sounds incredibly sappy. I can't believe I'm even saying it - well typing it.) Should I really give up hope in that one soulmate, or should I still hold onto that sentiment and smile as though I am holding a big secret? I'm not sure anymore.

Onto another topic I find the whole discussion about vagina's to be...well, a little off in my book. Of course I've seen the vagina monologues and giggled and laughed at the moments I was supposed to but really. Does a TV show expect that all women grab a mirror and take a gander down south? I mean come on now! And maybe I'm too naive or something but I am so there with not looking at my pussy. After all why should anyone look at theirs? What theirs like a magic button down there that will give me answers to everything in life? C'mon now! (And I can't even believe that I just typed that all out. If I think for more than a minute about it I will have to erase this all. It's so...not right.)

I guess this still makes me Charlotte. I don't care though. She really does have the prettiest hair. (Please kill me. Kill me now.)

OK on to other things...

Work was crazy today. I even went in there early because I was asked to. I have no problem in doing so because it means I can leave early. But it was just hectic. I like the slow-mo days where I have my projects and I do them by my schedule and not by the buttload of people coming in and out of the studio. But hey the pressure keeps me focused so I guess I shouldn't complain.

Yesterday, in a funky mood, I painted my short practical nails silver. A metallic silver. I'm not quite sure I'm used to the color being that I'm a Future French or Bordeaux type of girl when it comes to nail polish's. But it is funky to say the least.

I have something to write on here. But I'm holding back. Which is not a first for me. I'm going to try to deal with it first and if worst comes to worst then I'll hash it over here.

For now its over though...

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