2001-06-18 | 8:57 a.m.

Keeping myself on track I will...

1. Fill my time week by week. This means getting my ass up this week and looking around for boxing classes, karate classes, writing workshops, and acting classes. Although I've been there, done that and gotten the t-shirt on all of these I need to stay healthy and occupy my time and what better than making myself educated and fit?

2. Make sure to eat outside everyday of this week. I don't care if I have to bring a salad or sandwich from home. The most important thing is for me to have a breath of fresh air and soak up some sun.

3. Wake up early and make an effort to look good almost everyday. Which means I will try to apply make up at least twice a week. Also means I have to do a face mask at least twice also. Gottta keep the skin tight and pretty. I'm not gonna look young like this all the time and if I want to keep this pale luminescence to it I gotta work it right.

4. Not plan anything with anybody. Pick up a Village Voice and go out alone. This city has plenty of people and I don't need to go out with people I already know. I need to step up to the plate and go at it alone. After all this city is in heat and people are pouring out all over the place.

5. Pay bills and use the rest of the money wisely. This means keep some saved for the Rio trip.

6. Find out when I can leave and if I can take 2 days off to travel right instead of hauling ass. No need to run when I can move at a steady pace.

7. Make more mixed minidiscs. I definitely need some jumping tunes for the morning and I'm not hauling all these cd's in my bag anymore.

8. Finsih my book by the end of the week.

9. Play hard and not give up.

10. Make sure to let Ladiebug know that I am also finding it VERY hard to not stop my booty from wriggling when I hear Bootylicious. But then again G&K forever baby! We unite, we spazz, but we bring it back with class and style.

11. Wish everyone I know much peace and success but realize that this time I'm not going to stop. I will leave some people behind in their inertia. I'm not going to go with anyone anymore. I've learned when to stop and when to go, and this time is right to move.

12. Write my grandmother a letter. I haven't sent one to her in a while and I know how much she loves them. It's a little sunshine that I can give her. And because I love her a lot I will make sure to put some photo's in along with the letter.

13. Eat a happy meal because I love the Hello Kitty toys going on now. Plus I bet it would look cute on top of my monitor as opposed to having nothing on it now.

14. Make sure to let everyone know that this bread theory is genius. And I fully agree and I intend to make sure I savor myself and only much later on let others nibble on me.

15. Make sure to watch the Sex & the City repeat on HBO during the week since my cable went off just minutes before it was supposed to start on Sunday. It made me so pissed off but June really hasn't gone my way so the fact that the cable went of at the exact time I really wanted to see the show didn't really shock me. All I'm thinking is what else can happen? But anyways, I have to be sure to catch the repeat of it this week.

And as Dr. Lecter said in Hannibal - goody, goody.

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