2001-06-29 | 7:17 p.m.

IP address or shall I say 'celine', your funny.

It's almost sad how you drop hints here and there and think I won't pick up. What's even sadder is the fact that you certainly have WAY too much time on your hands. That and at least I feel good about myself. Feel free to invent your FABULOUS self all over my guestbook all over again. After all if I know who 'celine' is, I know you can't miss the spotlight.

But don't worry. Shine on honey. If you think this will produce any resentment or annoyance, it won't. It's actually funny. Show's how I can put it past me and how you have to keep holding it up to the light. After all there's no use trying to push other people's buttons when they aren't available to you now is it?

Can someone please explain to me why it is that NYC feel's hot as balls? No seriously, I feel like the city in this heat has suddenly become the crack of some huge sweaty man's ass.

(And I say this even though I love this city of mine - not the crack of a huge man's ass, the city people, the city.)

It takes a lot of energy out of me. And granted while I see children running around and frolicking everywhere, I also see people trying to trudge through their day as best as possible. It's this heat. It's sticky. It's muggy. It's nauseating. And the smells that this city produce when it's hot as hell are quite a sight. Well actually its more along the lines of an olfactory attack to say the least.

But it's Friday. Friday! The day when we are all let out from our cubes, or quasi cubes, or office spaces and are left to run around rampant looking for some debauchery to participate in or some peace and quiet to rest our weary self's. And suddenly you get this second wind. Just a few hours after lunch, when you know your time will come soon and you will be able to escape the chaos that is you from Monday through Friday. And that thought makes things ok for you to deal with. Crap you'd rather not deal with during the day suddenly doesn't matter that much anymore because soon you will be able to take those few steps outside and know that you've achieved freedom - for at least 2 days.

Ahh...Fridays..how I love you.

And what will this Friday hold for me? Something cool. I'm supposed to go to a birthday party but I don't think I'm going to make it after all. Strangely enough, other things have crossed my path and while it is not very nice of me not to make an appearance at previously stated birthday bash, I would rather change the scenery for a bit. And since I'm changing the scenery I have to get on that moving car.


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