2001-07-05 | 12:52 a.m.

Anything's possible, once you set your mind to it. Things may not work out like they are supposed to, like you want them to, but in the end they always work out. Of course it was easier before when I just didn't give a damn about anything.

Virtual window shopping I spied thisand this. They've both got my name written all over them but they are just too expensive for my taste.

Spent my July 4th just bumming around the house. There's nothing like an American holiday to put my Brazilian ass in bed pretty much all day long, or as much as I can take it. And since I haven't really had a decent night's sleep in a while this mean's I was in bed pretty much a huge chunk of the day.

So I've been organizing myself some more. Apparently I might be going to LA for work in November. But if that doesn't work out (meaning if I don't have to be there) I will probably take a few vacation days and go there myself. Hook up with the ladiebug herself and just bring LA down a notch K & G style.

That being said I can go to LA and then travel somewhere else. Since I'm going to Brazil for a long weekend I think anywhere in the good old US of A is good enough for a long weekend too. So I'm going to check some spots out. LA is a definite either way. It's time I head back over to 'west siiiide' for a brief interlude. It's been too long. I figured I've got time and funds eventually so why not risk it and create my own little voyage? An exploration on my own time so to speak. So it's all good. I just know plans are set and I'm down for some things. And some of those aren't going to be in New York City.

Yeah baby, I'm hitting it outta sight this time.

Sometimes I think I feel too much. Sometimes its overwhelming. Paralyzing even. But as of late I am afraid to say that I choose not to string my emotions along like a pearl necklace for all to see. I am trying to play for fun and fight to win and when I constantly cry and fall to my knees its just sad and pathetic. Thankfully I haven't done that in ages which goes to show you that I am becoming the person I wanted to be. I am molding myself like a piece of hot glass that is being blown into it's definite shape. I'm not whacking myself into a shape. I'm creating and evolving into MY own shape. And suddenly it's not so crazy anymore. Suddenly it feels right and I dunno I just feel like I can make it. Cheesy as that sounds I have found that I hold great power and spirit within myself. I fought against it for so long thinking that other's energy was what I needed to indeed lead a happy life. I kept forgetting that all I ever needed to find was within me. And I've found it and it keeps building till some day I will be the woman that I want to be.

I saw Tomb Raider with a girlfriend tonight and the only thing that really crossed my mind apart from having Angelina kick ass in every scene was the bad body makeup on her arm covering the tattoo of the dragon and Billy's name. You'd think for such a huge budget movie they would do something about that. Granted the scenes probably cost a lot but they could have computer generated the dark shadow out. I thought at first that maybe they were trying to pass it off as a bruise but it certainly didn't look like one. It just looked like bad cover up. For anyone who's seen it just think back on the water scene at the end where she's grasping onto a wall and looking at the villain. You can see clearly the outline of the tattoo and I dunno, it just totally loses my attention because then I end up thinking of Angelina and how painful it probably was to get a tattoo on her arm being that she's buff but very thin. (See what I mean?) So yeah that's my only nit-pick for the movie. Of course I'm not a total gamer so I wouldn't know if the storyline rang true or not. But whatever. It was enjoyable to the point that I got to watch Angelina Jolie kick ass, and that's always good.

But now it's time to hit the sack and catch some ZZZ's before tomorrow comes.


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