2001-07-09 | 7:44 p.m.

I have to give props to this chickadee. She's ballsy she is. I mean who wakes up one morning and decides to pierce their coochie and then does? Seriously, a big ol' shout out to ya girl.

I've decided I am not socially conscious anymore. I won't be spending a plethora of money on nights out that in the end really don't mean that much to begin with. Yes it's all well and good to have a blast one night out with the girls or going out 'clubbing' (that is such an archaic word...overused and old) but it still doesn't mean that I get anything from it after. Well I could count the hangover after but that's not really a pro at all. So instead I am choosing my nights out wisely.

No more 'yes' to everything anymore. After all my time is precious so why waste it on something so blaze as a packed club or bar? I'll settle into my lounge groove once in a while but I think those days of wishing I could dance at Studio 54 are over for me now. At least for the time being. There are other things I need to work on rather than a 'hip & happening' social/night life. I can thank some people for showing me the glitz and glam but I'm not a glam-rock punk. Never have been and never will. I'm me. And I don't feel the need to expose myself to everyone to get their opinions. I do what I have to do to stay afloat. And right now I like what I'm doing and that counts more than anything.

I have a cell phone, mobile, whatever you want to call it. I use it sparingly because it annoys me. In the beginning it was a way my parents could track me. I hated it. Now I've gotten used to having it but hardly using it. What I can say, without a doubt is that I hate these people who are slaves to their cell phones. And you know who you are out there. These people use it endlessly. I mean if one really has to think about it, the damn mobile is really only there for your convenience, not for others' convenience in calling you ever 2 seconds or hell having you do the same. So when your at a movie or your walking around screaming into it, you look like an absolute bafoon. These items of communication weren't meant for you to attach them to your ears. They are a last minute resort. Something you whip out when you know you desperately need it and not when your standing in line at a drugstore and talking about which shampoo smells better for gods sake!

And clearly I can go on and on about this but I will clamp down on it now. No use babbling about these idiots. Clearly they are all either playing a game of show and tell to see which phone is flashier or they need to be in contact with someone every second of the day. Let me not even get started in the stupid fashion trend going around now where rhinestones are glued all over the damn phone. (Hi...party for one at Liberace's palace - reservation confirmed!)

I need to get myself some Kracker soon. I keep hearing the damn song which proves to me that I have to walk by my friend Mr. Bootleg guy near work and purchase it. That and Nika Costa. I like both of their styles.

Wore flip flops to work today. My chunky platform blue one's. Those babies are so comfy. I love wearing them. Feels like I'm walking on air. And I'm damn lucky to be able to sport them in to work. Granted I work at a studio and it's all very laid back but still today I think I really tried my hardest to hand in my 'homage to comfy chick'. Nothing better than flip flops, jeans, t-shirt, and my large Herve Chapelier red tote. Comfy all over baby. And no don't hate. You can try it to. Apparently with some stuffy office jobs you have the casual Fridays thing going on. (I'd push that envelope to the limit I tell you!) So yeah all about being comfy today. Especially in this heat and muggy/sticky weather.

I got this new ring tone for my cell phone - yes I know, but it was free so why not punch up my style of cell phone settings? Granted I'll probably only hear it once in a while but whatever. So my new ring tone is from the Charlie's Angel's movie. The turning Japanese song from the Vapors. I couldn't help myself. It was either that or some gibberish. (Although I really thought about getting the Pink Panther soundtrack). Still I got something funky that will serve it's purpose. So there you go.

And now...of to make brownies for work tomorrow. Because I'm dope like that.

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