2001-07-20 | 12:13 a.m.

Went to go see Legally Blonde today after work with Gingi. It's a good, funny movie. One of those where you go just to laugh and smile and giggle. Not to think or ponder or wonder. I liked it and I would recommend it to anyone who wants a good laugh.

I have a plan. A big plan. I'm not really going to talk about it because I don't want to jinx it what so ever.

But wheels are turning and I will move. Motion. I will change the course of my destiny. I want what I want, and anyone who knows me, knows I'm a persistent bitch. And I'm gonna make it happen. And I'm going to do it all. I'm going to jump and pray I have the stamina and the guts to keep up.

Oh yeah...things are in motion.

And for once I think I finally know it will all come true. My heart and my mind say's it will. My guts a little wobbly right now but I think I will do just fine. I will do more than just fine actually. I will succeed. Positive thinking. That's what its about. A smile is going to get me a lot more than a frown. And while I may sound like I've lost it. I haven't. I've actually found it.

Oh yeah...I'm going to be bootylicious. Just you wait!

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