2001-08-02 | 11:31 p.m.

So I got a haircut today. Walked out of the salon with a sleek new shiny bob. Made me feel all special. Then I stopped at a deli and bought a red daisy for Gingi since I was going to a mini celebration for her birthday. Gingi love all around. Sort of a pre-day birthday gathering since for the most part we are all over the place. It was nice. I had never been to the place and it's always a pleasure when it's a hole in the wall and no one knows your there. This eliminates that bar crawl crowd that frankly should just not let be into the establisments. But hey they pay for drinks so it's not like bar owners are going to say no.

Came home instead of going to F's because I couldn't get a hole od her. I just didn't want to show up and not have her be there. so i called before hand. And called. And called. And after the 6th ring on the second call I decided to let it go. Yes I could help her pack but yes I'm tired and since tomorrow is Don Hill's merriment I kinda want to save my energy. Of course Friday night should be an early night for me also since I'm going to be going to the beach. Which means I'll have to wake up at the crack of dawn Saturday morning. All good. I'll sleep till we get there. We being A and I. It should be fun though. And lord knows I need some color on my skin.

So things I need to do before Saturday. Get myself a pedicure and manicure. Buy some SPF because if I don't the only color I'm getting is the lovely lobster red shade. Also known as the tomatoe red. So yeah, SPF is necessary. And tomorrow I have to make sure to buy a pair of jeans. My old ones are wearing thin. And I do mean thin. I will soon have a whole right below my ass if I don't buy one now. Which I will. Hopefully tomorrow.

And that's that. It was a nice day today and tomorrow will be a little crazy since boss lady is out for the week due to her sisters wedding. But I will do fine because I've been here, doen that, and gotten the t shirt already. So I'm not worried. I just have to make sure that all my projects are done before she gets back. Which should be. Since you know, I'm dope like that.

Alright time for me to go buh-bye.

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