2001-08-18 | 1:21 p.m.

Went to go see The Others with Crazy last night. I didn't know if I should laugh or be scared through out the whole movie. Truth be told I thought it was all funny. Wasn't scared at all.

* The story is old. I've read it somewhere before and I can't quite place my finger on where, but I've read it before so seeing it on the big screen was not scary what so ever.

* If you can't predict the plot within the first 15 minutes then your a dimwit.

* Nicole Kidman is annoying! Half way through the damn thing I wanted to put myself out of my misery and not face her impossibly bad acting anymore.

What I can say that I enjoyed were the 2 children. The little boy was adorable, and the girl was wickedly funny. Appearance wise she reminded me of a girl I once knew in London. She and I (obviously not the kid in the movie) went to the same school. She was rather mean and I never really wanted to be around her because she would end up tormenting me in some way or another, but none the less, the girl in the movie certainly looked like this girl I knew when I was younger. I also loved the house. I'm sure the director tried to make it really spooky for viewers but truthfully it just reminded me of a house I used to live in and of the schools I used to go to. I didn't really think anything was out of the ordinary, but maybe it was just me. I sort of grew up in a mish mash of cultures so many things don't affect me in the certain 'normal' ways. Still I loved the house, and loved the kids. The plot was silly but then again I wasn't going in expecting a masterpiece.

What does look good though is the new film that I saw the trailer for. Hearts in Atlantis. Looks like an interesting story. The fact that Sir Anthony Hopkins stars in it probably pulls at my heart strings, but the few minutes of the story I did get to see with the preview looks good. So I'll probably be seeing that. Serendipity looks good too. I'm a fan of Kate Beckinsale and John Cusack so it looks promising.

(Look at me I'm going on like I'm some stupid movie critic.)


So that was Friday night. Today I'm supposed to be going to Boston to celebrate Cubiclegirl. But since it looks like I'm going to be crackwhore broke if I do go, I decided not to. And yes it's a shame I will miss the party but then again such is life. You take what you can and sometimes you miss out on stuff. Next time around.

So today I will be eating out later on with the parental units. My brother is out of town on business in San Fran. So like the good daughter I am, I will be spending time with my parents. Plus sometimes it's nice just doing nothing even though your doing something. I don't know if that makes any sense but it does in my head. Before though I'm going to go check out Crunch with my mom to see if its the type of gym I am looking for. If it is then I will start the procedures. Get the wheels turning so that I can make a habit of going everyday. If I make a habit out of it, like brushing my teeth or washing my face to take of my make up every night, then I will be set. And I plan to do so since I'm too tubby right now. But I'm working on that. Step by step, day by day. And things will become better. This I promise myself.

I tried to get Tenacious D tickets yesterday and I am so pissed because they are all sold out. But my mom gave me a hook up and hopefully he will score 2 tickets for me. I'm wishing hard because apparently the guy has skills. So I'm sitting and waiting. I know nothing might come out of it but there's nothing wrong with wishing for the best.

Oh and while I'm wishing well I'm also enjoying my time, as noted in the updated cam pic.

Nothing but playing here people...

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