2001-08-23 | 12:10 a.m.

I took a dance class today. Actually it was called 'dance party'. By the end of the so-called 'party' I was searching for the bar. (Damn gym for not supplying it!)

You know certain dance steps look really easy when you see them on TV, but when you actually do them, then you know that you too, can become the floundering idiot in class. And I was. But that's ok because I had fun with it.

I jumped about to Destiny's Child 'Survivor' and shook my booty to their other hit 'Bootylicious' and it was fun and silly and hard. Really hard. But hey if I keep going back for more I might end up knowing some fresh new dance steps so what do I care if the class is an hour long and it created soreness all over my body?! Not me! I'd insert a sarcastic grin here but I think even my face hurts. Lord knows typing is a huge task already.

I sound like I'm just bitching and moaning. But I'm not. I'm just sore but I have to admit it was one hell of a workout. And I didn't stop jumping up and down or swiveling my hips, butt, arms and what not till the class ended. Which means I probably had a great cardio workout due to the fact that when I left I felt like I had taken a shower with my clothes on. But nothing beats coming home, taking that long hot shower and laying down for a bit. And going to the gym after work is pretty cool too because it gets me tired and therefore makes me go to sleep earlier which I definitely needed. So from where I see it yes it does cause me pain but damn I'm working out and sleeping better. It's all good.

Oh! Plus my dad gave me 5 sessions with a personal trainer too. He said he was very proud of me to sticking to this exercise regimen. And I know I will. I think my family can see it in my eyes. The power I feel from working out. Take today while I was walking to the gym these girls were making fun of me. and yes I should of ignored them because they were younger, probably still in college but they made snide remarks as I passed by. So I stopped turned around and as they chortled I said "hey - at least I'm working out to get my ass in gear. What are you girls doing to change your attitude?" It shut them up right away and I walked to the gym smiling.

I haven't eaten anything today apart from lunch. I know I should eat something before going to bed but truthfully I am so tired and sore that I can't manage to consume food. Instead I downed a huge water bottle and then had a glass of milk. I figure that should hold me till tomorrow. Hopefully when I wake up again I won't be this sore.

I need to get going. My bed is calling and my limbs are tired.


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