2001-08-24 | 10:53 p.m.

At the end of the day I had bubbly, chocolate black & white mousse cake, and then watched this. (Which by the way is a fucking shitshow). I think this makes for a great start on a so far a bitchin weekend.

So I didn't want my co-worker to leave without a little bit of a sparkle, so I went out and bought some sunflowers for her and a cake. A lovely mousse cake that I previously mentioned. And bosslady supplied the bubbly since she had it supplied to her as a gift. So in the end it all worked out. It'll be sad come Monday when she's not there but it's not like I'm never going to see her. I will. It'll be different but it will be good for her and thats what counts.

I'm not putting too much stock in the 'advice' of certain people right now. I wish I could but it's hard to tell who is and isn't telling me the real dealio. The truth. Now a days I'm thinking that if someone tells me something 'for my own good', he/she is probably the one who wants to benefit from so called advice. Plus advice is cheap. I'm not taking it for what it's worth (petty insecurity reflected to me). My vision hasn't narrowed like theirs. Fuck that. I still have my range of options. But see unlike them I'm careful when I choose.

I love this game. I used to have the real life version of it when I was younger. Somehow it got lost and yet I've always loved it. Till now I have not found another real life version of it. But maybe that's a good thing because if I did someone would need to snatch it out of my hands and hide it from me. That little bugger can be a very addictive thing.

Back to this for a second. Well a brief moment. He is a genius. I want to mother his kids still - because c'mon he's yummy. Dear lord I couldn't stop laughing because of this skinny bitch. Oh and yeah, loved the chick scene on this flick. It was truly genius. I bow before Kevin Smith.

Got myself some shirts today. Cleavage shirts which are even better because they were on sale. $10 for each one. You can't beat that. Especially when they will look nice paired with any of my black attire. I plan to mooch that look for a while. Especially in the summer when I show a little skin. Not a lot. Just a little to tease because I like being sluttly girl like that. (naw, I'm messing around - not literally anyway.) I just liked their look and frankly I couldn't beat their price.

Oh and now I'm gold on diaryland. Which means I'm putting up pictures left and right. I can't wait to use that feature!


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