2001-11-12 | 2:08 a.m.

Katharine Hepburn once said that if you follow all the rules you miss all the fun. I am beginning to wonder if that is true. And if so what are the rules she's talking of? Her rules or just the rules set in general? Because it's very broad to suggest that all the rules don�t convey any fun what so ever. And if so what does she consider fun?

And you see this is probably why I haven't had any fun lately, that and also probably why I haven't gotten laid. And it's not like I'm lonely, because I'm not. I'm not desperate what so ever even. But I guess I'm having what you could call a "dry spell". (Okay, so maybe it's more like a walk in the Sahara desert, but still.) And I wonder what is this fun? And what rules am I following that is not allowing me to actually accept this fun in my life. Or maybe I am having fun and I don't know it? I don't like being in this limbo land of words like this. I feel confused and irritated. More so everyday. I need to get back to some sort of structure. I need to find a job soon where I can plan my days again. I don't like sitting at home and not knowing what may happen next. I'm organized and structured like that. And if anyone doesn't like it, well bite me.

I sent out a resume for what seems like a perfect job for me. It's literally screaming my name if it knew it. And I'm hoping that all my good vibe wishes will hit on target and make me get an interview for it and then the actual job itself. Because it would be sweet if I got it. I would be nurturing certain aspects that I enjoy. So I'm hoping I'll get some luck and have a chance to interview for it.

Tonight was the season premiere of the X Files. Truthfully I was excited about it because I had waited till last season to see what would happen next, much like most of the other X File fans out there. I expected something out of tonight's premiere - nothing AMAZING, but something. And I really didn't get that what so ever. One character "mysteriously" leaves with no explanation (damn you David, couldn't you have just waited one more season before throwing your hissy fit?) and the other is left flopping about like a fish out of water. It's a little sad when a show you really enjoyed is trying to capture back the magic but is failing miserably. I'm hoping for some good episodes to come because I always seem to give Chris Carter the benefit of the doubt when it comes to the show, but still it was off kilter and by what I've seen so far it doesn't look promising what so ever. This show was never about an "ensemble" cast. It was about Mulder & Scully, now it's just not what I once knew. I may grow to like it eventually, or I may just not watch again and live in denial and pretend last season was the grand finale. Not sure just yet.

And lastly before I go, aren't we all just happy that we haven't lost it a while ago much like M.J.? I sure as hell am. I wonder what he will do next? Perhaps fart ducks out of his ass? The man has issues but hey who are we to judge? And while I'm at it - for those of us who get a kick out of watching MTV crap (much like I do), the 12th season of the Real World will be in Las Vegas and should start taping in January.

And I'm done! Later...

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