2001-11-15 | 1:59 a.m.

I have a cold. Yes I know, it's not exciting news but it prevents me from doing stuff I had wanted to do yesterday, like actually baking a cake.

I spent the day walking around the city with my dad and then coming home and wanting nothing but to lay in bed. Which is what I did. Didn't even check my email until later. And now I'm up and I feel better but I haven't really done anything other than just email various resumes out. That seems second nature to me now, I don't even think about it what so ever. It's ok though, things will work out sooner or later. I'm going to call this service that does focus groups tomorrow and let them know I'm still around. Hopefully that might bring in some extra cash. It's definitely needed.

Tomorrow I go out with B and share a great meal in this amazing Chinese restaurant. It's not famous or popular, but it makes the best Peking duck ever! Especially since they come in single portions rather than splitting a whole duck with another person. Then we'll probably have some drinks after somewhere else. He's such a nice guy that he's open for anything. And it's nice to get out of the house and feel like I'm socializing. (That and the drinks after aren't that bad either.)

I also had a great little conversation with the lbug today. When I managed to eventually go online we spent a good amount of time just shooting the shit. It was nice since she is always a pleasure to talk to. We also needed to vent and it seems like we've found a great bond doing just that.

What I wanted to know is when did Brittany become slutty-mc-slutty? I recently saw her new music video on TRL (yes I'm ashamed already, let's move on) and I see her sweating and gyrating her nasty little self. While part of me was wishing I had her abs I was still wondering when she became hoochie girl? After all wasn't Christina the slutty one? Whatever though because they both look good. Hell if I had either one's body I would shake what my momma gave me too.

And before I leave let me leave this little buldge of fun out here. Because you know it's always entertaining reading something like this. Especially when your bored.

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