2001-11-29 | 3:22 p.m.

I was surfing the web today after sending out a buttload of resumes out and I guess I have finally found the reason why I haven't gotten a job yet. It might be because of this:

Which Evil Criminal are You?

(To think I was wasting my time in trying to find a 9 to 5 job...)

I wonder how much bubkiss would amount to in HP land? I'm pretty sure its what I have now which is squat. Oh well. But hey at least I will be getting cash in the near future, and then, ah yes...then I can jump on the liquor wagon again and get my drink on. Oh yeah...

Well at least all is not lost, I mean I am starting to go on more interviews which is pretty cool since hopefully something might pan out because of them. I'm not so aggravated as I was before when it comes to a job. When it happens it will happen. It just needs to be the right job & the right time, because if it is then everything will fall into place. And so that's probably why I'm not overtly stressed or grinding my teeth at night anymore. Nothing can be done that I'm not doing already so all I just have to do now is settle back and wait. Sooner or later I'll get a cool job.

I was doing my batch of Christmas cards today. Almost all addresses are filled out on the envelopes. Now all I have to do is write my little notes on the cards for the different people. I'll probably mail them out the first week of December. I know it's early of me to do so but I'd rather get them out of the way and just focus on the Christmas shopping list I will have. Obviously I won't have enough cash as I did last year so I'm breaking it down big time. But that's ok because everyone that knows me knows that I'm po'ass broke so they aren't expecting much to begin with. Still it would be nice to try and get something nice for the parental units and for older bro. You know show the materialistic love I know I can do.

Well I'm off, it's about time I take my unemployment nap and I'm feeling it right now.


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