2001-12-02 | 6:33 p.m.

Friday night was interesting. We went to go see L DJ like last weekend. And while it was fun because we got to all hang out again it was also a tad annoying because L kept playing these tunes that annoyed me. It was a night where I just wanted to go out and dance and drink and have fun with A & K, but L managed to spin tunes most of the night that just made me - along with other friend friends - roll our eyes and want to bitch slap him. I left earlier with K and we left the rest of the crew there. Came to find out that later on L & D got in a fight. One so stupid and silly that L apparently got scratched or bitten or something. Who knows?! The boy is a little childish and has issues so usually I never got there with him. It's too much bother.

Saturday night was date night where I met up with N. It was a quick date where he had to go somewhere else after (yeah I believe that) and where I then met up with K. We went to Manitoba to watch a friends band play. Well actually not a friend, an acquaintance. K's friend G's husband was playing with his band there so we both went to check it out. His band plays a mix of country and punk. An oxymoron I know. Still it was interesting. After we decided to stop by at Nells to say hi to A. We got there and spoke for a while then all left when her shift ended. We all tried getting cabs but it was friggen impossible because none were around. So we all walked around till we managed to hail down a cab that would take me home. We promised each other to meet Sunday for brunch but I don't think any of us made it because I slept in late today and didn't get any calls about it at all. Which is fine by me because I really didn't feel like getting up and ready to go eat. I just wanted to hibernate a little in my room. So its all good.

Tomorrow starts another week, one where I will be going to interviews which is cool. I thought I had one on Monday but I was mistaken. They all start for me on Tuesday. Which is cool because on Monday I can just chill. Possibly get a pedi, try and get a haircut..the stuff I've been meaning to do and haven't gotten to it yet. I'll probably get my brother's Xmas present too. Get that out of the way so all I need to do then will be the gift for mom and dad. I'll need to go to the post office too because I need to mail out the card to Weetabix and the box to Ladiebug.

And now I'm going back to bed to watch TV and nap in between.


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