2001-12-04 | 1:58 p.m.

Due to Ladiebug's courageous attempts in making room for another 57 Trivia Facts, I am now trying it on for size. So here is my list, and you can count 'em, yep there are 57!

1. If I ever had a daughter I would want to name her Lolita.

2. I always carry lip balm wherever I go. Right now it's the Bonne Bell Lipsmacker Strawberry variety.

3. Unlike Biggie and Tupac, Ladiebug and I have nothing but love for each other (and sadly also no rap careers from east or west syde!)

4. I'm a huge SP fan. Especially Cartman and his "screw you guys - I'm going home".

5. I'm not ashamed to admit it but I have been sucked in by the Martha vortex. I've used 2 cake recipes from her show and they both turned out very well.

6. I'm a total make up whore. Throw in some glitter and I think I'm a fairy.

7. I know how to speak fluently in Portuguese, Italian, and French.

8. I love babies and little kids, and I never minded babysitting.

9. I don't know how to tie a cherry stem with my tongue although I once said I did.

10. Gin and tonics are my libations of choice. If not I'm always up for bubbly.

11. I used to tote along my filofax everywhere when I was younger. Now I'm all about my Palm, especially since its in color as opposed to black and white.

12. I've always got a list of books I want to read. Currently it's a long list that I'm trying to work down. It's usually always fiction.

13. I was a huge prankster as a kid. So much so that I got expelled out of certain schools for doing so.

14. Pasta is my favorite food.

15. I'm not a vegetarian but I'm not that fond of meat to begin with.

16. Although #15 is true the only meat I do like to eat is veal.

17. I've been wearing my sneakers out at night lately. It's great because my feet never hurt the next day because of high boots or shoes. No one notices either because my sneakers are dope like that too.

18. I'm all about cotton although I'll never say no to cashmere.

19. I love wearing turtleneck & cowelneck sweaters.

20. Whenever I go out at night the cleavege is usually in full force because I'm a little hoochie-licious like that.

21. I hate those low rise jeans or pants. And it's not because I can't wear them. Nope. I could be Twiggy or Kate Moss thin and I still wouldn't wear them.

22. If I could choose to make my own man to marry he would be as witty as Eddie Izzard, as good looking as Robert Downey Jr. was on Ally McBeal and as charming as Heathcliff-ishy as David Duchovny was on the X Files. Unfortunately for me it's not possible.

23. I have a passion for British chocolate & candy. Give me Fruit Gums or Smarties and I'd be a happy girl.

24. I can stay online all day and not even notice the time go by.

25. I love taking photographs and I always seem to be toting a camera no matter where I go.

26. for the past 4 years I've had an was on the X Files calendar up in my room. It changed every year, but it's always an was on the X Filescalendar.

27. I never peed in my bed - even as a small kid.

28. Allegedly our Brazilian family roots are royalty so when I was a kid I used to pretend I was a princess.

29. I'm all about conspiracy theories. In fact I always question things to see if it was a conspiracy or not.

30. As a kid I hit a guy with a baseball bat on the head, but not on purpose. We were playing softball and I let go of the bat by mistake. Thus it swung in the air and hit the poor guy. He had to have stitches and till the day I left the school there was a red stain of his blood on the concrete floor. (I really felt bad about this but he was really cool about it after, even telling others I could kick anyone's ass.)

31. I wish I were Eddie or Karen in real life.

32. I totally hooked up Bracha to Diaryland. She had no clue of it before. Now she's just as happy as I am to bitch and whine and have a place to vent.

33. Bracha also used to be my old boss.

34. Sometimes I scream at my TV when I'm watching a show and I'm on the edge of my seat.

35. I hate butter, donuts, ice cream, and powdered sugar.

36. I once told Carson Daley that he sucks - just because I think he does. He look at me all bewildered and I ran.

37. I own the Barbie & Ken X File doll set and they are proudly displayed on my shelf.

38. I once pierced my tongue for 3 days. At the end of the third day when I woke up with a mouthful of blood once again I decided fuck this and took it out. It's healed nicely and I haven't felt the need to pierce it again.

39. I want a tattoo of a ladybug but I know I can't deal with the whole process. Plus I keep thinking how I would look as a grandma with a tattoo. It just doesn't click.

40. I thought about getting my belly button pierced but then I also imagined me Shamu the killer whale with a belly button - that really didn't click at all. To have one you have to have a cute belly. The only reason mine is cute is because it's plumpy like the Pillsbury Dough Boy.

41. My nickname in high school used to be Trouble.

42. My nickname in middle school used to be JJ because there was another Joana in the same class. My favorite teacher at the time thought up the nickname (it wasn't original - my first initial and last one).

43. Joaninha means ladybug in Portuguese. Also it's what my family members have always called me by.

44. A friend from the past used to call me Joey and I hated it.

45. I've always wanted to be part of any Real World. I guess it's because I like that spotlight.

46. I've pretty much watched all the Real World's till now. It's kinda sad and pathetic but they really do suck you in.

47. I know every word to each Madonna song. No joke.

48. I've always wanted to have a baby Yorkshire Terrier dog. So far I've never had one.

49. Damn writing 57 things is hard...

50. I used to write for my high school newspaper. I then moved on to the creative writing team.

51. I'm horrible at math (of any kind).

52. I really don't like the color purple - the color not the movie.

53. I go to the gym as much as possible so that one day I can learn how to kick some mean ass like the chick in Dark Angel or Alias.

54. I used to take ballet at the Royal Academy of Dance in England for a bunch of years. I stopped in vain because I didn't want to fuck up me feet going on point so much.

55. I tap danced for a while but I grew very tired of it within months.

56. One of these days I want to go to Vegas and really go insane.

57. It's really friggen hard to write 57 things about yourself. I know I have more but I'm probably trying to censor myself in some way or another. That or too ashamed of my actions. Props to Ladiebug though. Talk about opening yourself up to an audience. (I'm snapping my fingers at you in a Z formation and saying "You Go Girl" at the moment right at ya honey.)

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