2001-12-07 | 3:20 p.m.

I am a badass. And why may you ask? Because this morning when I woke up I felt a hella lot better. This means the cold inside me was getting it's balls broken by all the good med's. Ahh...I knew there was a reason I was drugging myself up like Bette Davis. I woke up not coughing & wheezing, and actually looking like I got some sleep. You know what this means bizatchs? (Thanks for the new word PG). Yep I'm checking tonight's scene if I can make it out my door without the parental units giving me shit for it. Granted they will try to desperately since I was zombie-like for the whole week. But you know sometimes a girl needs to have fun and I've been cooped up in the apartment as much as possible this week so tonight is the night to have some fun.

Before I forget, thanks for the well wishes honey. I think the good vibes you sent my way helped me out big time.

I tried to get a haircut today. It's time for me to do so, but I couldn't get an appointment at all. It's been past 4 months and I hate waiting this long to get one. I want to get a trim since I am trying to grow it out. I want to get that JG look in Alias. Her hair is neither too short or too long. Perfect size. Right now I have something a tad shorter than that, but it's growing so I'm happy. It'll get there sooner or later.

Oh and just for the record these are my favorite 2 kick ass chicks on the tube right now. While I'm at it I'd like to spend some time with this yummy man. Talk about eye candy! While I'm linking up a storm how fucking cute is this? Talk about sweetness around your neck!

So the whole plan today is trying to get out of the house later on without the excess bitching and whining from mom and pop. I know this will be a big problemo because of this past week and because they think if I do happen to go out I will return looking like I was before. But, and this is a big but, I am not feeling sick anymore thus I doubt I will be. (Yeah ok I might but I won't let on to thinking that I might.)

I'm off. I want to finish watching the AbFab's that K hooked me up with.


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