2001-12-19 | 2:33 a.m.

You've heard of drunk dialing? Well this is drunk emailn'. Yep, you can thank the numerous gin and tonics at the OPEN BAR I had tonight. Open bar you ask? Yeah I went to the Bloom Christmas party which was also incidentally a model agency party too and invested some time at the open bar. To my count I had about 13 or 14 drinks? Not to mention the shots...ahh the shots...dancing with the devil I was tonight. I couldn't help myself though, I mean open bar is like inviting me personally. So off I went with A & L the DJ man and we partied. Obviously I couldn't help myself during the night and I tormented some of the 'model staff'. Some of these ladies could beat Ethiopian children - I'm not kidding.

I danced so much that the soles of my feet are hurting. Of course I wore my come fuck me boots. Who wouldn't? At the end of the night I managed to steal some of the blood red roses with A. We couldn't help ourselves. They were calling out our names.

I really had a great time tonight. It was absolutely fabulous - especially since I paid for squat and now am good and drunk. A drunk dialed her Mr. Big at the end of the night and that was bad, but apart from that no worries. I've got to be glad that the Mr. Big I've had in my life has been erased from anything I own. Because I could eventually, see myself drunk dialing him and saying "hey babe". And that people is no good. The guy was a fucker and let's face it not good for me. I did think about Kwazyboy as I looked at the fashionista crowd tonight. He probably would of laughed his ass of as much as I did. And drink too. Because let's face it we both can be party whores like that. Hell I am a party whore like that. I totally worked it too. There was this guy taking pictures for some magazine and if I recall he took several pictures of little old me bumping and grinding with my friends. It's the Brazilian ass of mine, it's got a mind of it's own - I swear party people, swear!

And now I'm home contemplating the night and my day. Because it was trippy and funny that way. Take today. I had this friend who asked me to go to midnight mass come Christmas eve. I excused myself, very politely, from the event. She was frustrated and decided to let me in on what she thought. Because as always everyone always thinks they have to tell me "the 411" about something or another. Has it ever occurred to them that I have my own beliefs? That I'm not herded into a religion like cattle. I'm not a sheep to any sort of religion anymore?! I might have been while I was growing up, but I've long stopped. And you know everyone's faith in something or another is extremely deep and personal. If someone is able to find happiness in a religion, then more power to them. I don't have to agree with you to respect you and your choice. But when people shove it down my throat just because they think it's the right time to do so, well I just want to scream in anger. Because you know what? Religion just isn't in my bag. And yes while it's sad that I don't believe in oral tradition being spoken down from time to time (as in the bible) I can still respect your feelings. Why must people impose on mine? *grrr*

A guy from a job interview I had gone to called me back today too. For a different position but apparently he wants to give me another chance because he liked me and thinks he can use me. While that makes me think that I have some potential it kinda sucks that the position I really wanted has been filled. Oh well, you win some - you lose some. So I'll be seeing him this Thursday to talk about the other position. If it's something I'm interested in it might be a possibility. Who knows?! Still it made me feel a lot better, getting a call back like that. Realistically I know that any job I get will only probably start after Christmas, probably sometime in January. Or that if I get any chance to get a job it will only be around that time. So even though I know that, I still wish I could find something NOW. Thus not making me have to think about work every single time I wake up in the morning. But hey getting this call today made me feel a bit better. Honestly I was a bit bummed that I didn't get called for the position I wanted but hey I'm dope like that and I can work my way into the company another way. Because you know I've got skeelz and all.

I need to jet. Drunk emailing is a lot of work and my ass is dead tired and drunk. Peace out and fer shizzle ma nizzle. (Yeah that song was on tonight and hey flew over my head once again. Whatever!)


P.S. - I'm such a slutty mc'slutty people, and hoo boy am I having fun!

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