2001-12-20 | 1:54 a.m.

Natasha Lyonne is set to perform at CBGB tonight with rock band Lard Dog & The Band of Shy. And as much as I dig Natasha Lyonne there is no way I am hauling ass downtown tonight. After last night's party session I think I'll just stay in and drink lots of water and sleep.

I went out during the afternoon to get a pedi and run a few errands and I was nearly crushed in some of the stores. This madness to go get Christmas presents before the day gets here is ridiculous. This is why I think it's getting all to me also. Everyone is searching for the perfect gift and yes sometimes it's wonderful to get a pricey gift or gadget (hell I want a red scooter knowing full well I'm not getting it) but something from the heart I think is a hella lot more important when you get down to it. Show's the person that you care and that you thought about it. I was lucky enough to be able to do my Christmas shopping earlier on, and making sure I made a few things here and there that made the immediate family I am giving gifts to understand what this holiday should really mean, especially now.

But I'll get off that soapbox. It's getting old and I'm done with it already.

I got a pedi today in the midst of store insanity and now my toes are all done up in red. I decided to be somewhat festive and had my toes and nails done up in my favorite red. I keep looking at them because I never paint my nails in such a dark color, it's usually just a coat of a Brazilian polish that I have that is very clear and white-ish. Still it's a funky change so I can deal with the red. (Hi why am I babbling about nail polish?? MAKE IT STOP!)

I got cool shoes. I have to mention this. They are flat and look like sneakers but are very funky. And all black. Which means my lazy ass will be wearing them all over town during the night life scene I have been emerging myself into for the past few weeks. Because I'm all about comfort. Enough of these high heeled atrocities that make my feet hurt at the end of the night. I'm all for comfort, all for it. I'll probably even wear them come new year when I'm out at the nights festivities. If its one night to be comfortable it's certainly new years night - that's for sure. Anyways they are very cute and funky. I'm hoping to break them in Friday night when I go out with my friends.

OK and obviously I'm babbling away today because I have nothing to say. I'm spent still from last night and today's annoyance while I was running errands. So I'm off to bed.


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