2001-12-22 | 7:07 p.m.

When did I become such a slutty mc'slutty party whore? I'm not quite sure which drink that I imbibed, lips that I kissed, dance on the bar, or which shirt smoothed down over my cleavage took me to that level, but I'm definitely not questioning it. Just going with the flow. I've simply become the person I think I was meant to become. I've become the badass I knew I could become. Oh sure I think PG, Gingi, Cubiclegirl and Riot718 began the process a while ago, back when we used to meet up for drinks. But I've evolved into this fierce chica now, ready to play in any environment just because I now know what I can do and what I can get away with.


I was supposed to go out with girlfriends last night. We were supposed to go all out because R is here in NYC for the weekend, but then things began to dwindle off because of lame things going on so before I was left feeling sad in any kind of way I just called and cut myself out of the night. No use waiting around for shit to go down when it's taking too long and there are too many if's, and's, or but's. Truthfully my ass should have stayed home last night, and I'm glad it did. I've been out this whole week doing things I really shouldn't be doing but I'll keep those on the down low for now.

I also talked to Kwazyboy briefly. I had invited him out previously over email and then forgotten he didn't check his email after a certain hour. It was a bit sudden actually since I knew I wasn't going out and was watching something on TV by the time he called. It's funny diary because when he used to call before I would get all excited about it. Like he was my only source of entertainment or something. Silly me. Now I'm not as naive and have grown up. It felt nice because I haven't heard him in a while and while our conversation was brief I hope it allows us both a way to get to a place where we can call each other friends again and not get so "drama-fied". Because I'm so over with that era of Joaninha.

Moving on...

Don't N & I look cute?

This is what happens when you add libations into the mix. That and another friend who's already trashed.

While I'm at it I also updated the CAM link. I thought it was about time for me to update over there being that I've been such a slacker. This was taken last night as I was getting dressed. I had time to kill and just snapped one. I promise new photo's to come, especially when I get them developed. As I stated before I've been slacking.

I went out today with my mom in the late afternoon. She got me a pair of sneakers and dress shoes that were much needed. I fell in love with really 'polly prissy pants' shoes and my mother bought them for me. But they were so comfortable and so cheap that it was such a buy. Next month I'll get the one's with the tassel's because those were really cute too. I also bought myself some cute tops at a cheapo store and then we headed home. I might go out tonight but I'm not sure what's going on within certain circles so I have to check up on that first. I might just stay at home too. I think my cold is coming back in full force and rather than becoming sick again I might just chill at home. We'll see though because I might just go check out the RT with K since we both want to check it out.

That's about it for now.


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