2002-01-09 | 9:37 p.m.

If anyone lives in the United Kingdom and doesn't mind spending 99 pence (yeah that's how much they cost in London) can someone please send me one of these? I fell in love with them and I wish I could find a way to purchase them over here. If anyone knows a way please let me know too. I would really appreciate it.

I've been reading another person's diaryland a lot due to the fact I have so much time on my hands. And I decided I'd finally be nice and share. So this is it. So far I've enjoyed what I've been reading. It's always nice to see NYC through someone else's eyes. She's got a nice way with words.

Oh and all I have to say about this is screw you Mr. Blackwell and your stupid list's. Like it really matters in the long run if you have armpit hair or not. Although I might add that while he honored Julia Roberts he also completely forgot the fact that she was spotted with bushy armpits awhile back at one of her premieres. So yeah screw you buddy - whatever is all I gotta say to him.

I want to try this type of yoga out. If I can't find it at my gym, when I get a job that gives me a steady paycheck I plan on checking it out somewhere else. And I say this because I've taken vinyasa yoga at my gym and it not only relaxed me but I think helped me out body wise to know my strengths and weaknesses. Totally helped me synchronize my breathing and my movements. I don't know if that makes sense or not. I just know I worked out just as hard as I would in a normal cardio class and it really was relieving in so many more ways. So yeah that's something to think about when I get the chance to be able to eventually do it. I'll probably go here since this place is certified.

Got my 2 books in the mail today. Yey. Made me very happy in that warm & fuzzy feeling in my belly way. I'm done with my old one so I think I'll start up on one of them tonight.

I feel the need to splurge soon and get myself some Madonna condoms. They are so cheap and a girl always needs to carry some protection, so I'm thinking of getting them. Of course the only con to having them is that they are a bit of a conversation piece which yes its always interesting to talk but sometimes a girl just wants to get it on. So I'm going to think about it before purchasing said product. Of course I'll probably just go to the store rather than get them online. I have enough free time to do so, so I might as well.

Well I'm done. I'm dead tired and I want to soak up in a nice hot bath.


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