2002-02-07 | 6:36 a.m.

So my second day at the job was just as nice as the first day. I couldn't quite believe how lucky I still am to have gotten such a cool job. Because I have. It's like all the crap work I've done has taken me to this job where stuff is all good.

For example I work a floor below the regular floor. And so since I work a floor below the hustle and bustle it's nice and peaceful. Some would think it's too quiet. But it's nice because I get to listen to my music and do my work alone. I don't get bothered at all. So far, from what I can see the boys club just dumps a whole chunk of work on my desk and then skidadle's. It's fine by me. Leaves me ample room to basically just organize myself during the day and eventually be able to organize them all.

Yesterday I let the office manager know what I needed for my office space. *insert big goofy smile here* I handed her my list and she got it all approved and by today my stuff should be at my door so I will be able to organize my whole office space. Yey! I tell you there's something about fresh new desk stuff and supplies that just makes me smile. Get's me all giddy like I've been drinking soda all day.


Last night I went out to N's & J's party. Supporting my creative friends I dragged my tired (I was yawning at dinner with the family) ass to the place where the party was going to be. An 80's party which was actually pretty decent. I wished I had the chance to stay out longer but it's a week night and I have to wake up at the buttcrack of dawn so I was in bed a little after one. But the friends did bring it out nicely. Then again I didn't doubt they wouldn't. A little bit of the fashion crowd, a little bit of the alcoholics, and a little bit of the crazy people. Always interesting and always good.

The cam link is updated but it's not exciting at all. My webcam has broken down and so all you get is a photo of said webcam. If I feel inclined to do so I'll take a few photo's with my webcam and put it up there. But no promises. This week has been non stop what with the new job and all so sooner or later you'll get something. A little eye candy if you will. Or won't - fuck it I don't care right now.

I will be updating hopefully later on with the photos taken last night. That should be amusing.

But for now I'm off to eat my cereal and drink my milk. I have to leave soon for work anyways. Damn I just got in a little too late last night and I'm way to tired now. You'd think I'd learn by now not to stay out late on a 'schoolday/workday'. Oh well, you live you learn.


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