2002-03-12 | 10:49 p.m.

o Need cash quick? You think your a badass? Yeah? Well check these people out.

o Wednesday is bank day thus enabling me to get my mom's birthday gift on Thursday. Which by the way, is the day of her birthday, so I'm sneaking there just in time - sweet!

o I am not an amateur. I know not to drink on week nights because of work. Doesn't mean I'm not pouting & sulking at the fact that I�m not out with my girl crew having rock and roll karioke along with our cocktails Monday night�s. *hrmph*

o I have no shame in my game. I know that there is no end to the amount of attention I require. Me loves the friggen spotlight people. (Like you didn't know by now.)

o I plan to set myself up with a plan. A plan you ask? Yep, I have to give 6 months to my job before I can take a week of vacation time. This means I save a certain % of every paycheck and make sure that further down the line I get enough bank to cash in for my trip to LA.

o I'm also going to do the jet-setting thing I used to do and make sure I go to London again for the weekend. NYC is a sweet lady but sometimes I need to rub against the five o'clock shadow of my lovely London, smear my lipstick traces all over him, because that city sure is refreshing.

o Like Ani sings, �I don�t think I�m better than you but I don�t think I�m worse.�

o This weekend is going to be rock solid packed. I should learn to say �no� more often. Then again an adventure is always an adventure.

o I�ve been noticing a lot of things lately. I may not speak of what I see, but you can bet your ass I�m keeping score. I have a long memory and I have every intention to use it when needed.

o Angelina & Billy having a baby? Damn I'm still laughing. This kid is going to be crazy, just like mom & pop.

o Someone (and yes that someone will remain nameless) has been a smug bastard lately. While I agree that I just grabbed his hands and let him go to town, I also state that the pleasure was both ways. Besides I'm not easy. I'm just lucky.

o You'd think with so much money she wouldn't shoplift, and yet the tape tells the truth.

o I really want to see Resident Evil, even though I�ve heard it�s like the Matrix (which bored the hell out of me and wasn�t amazing what so ever) it still looks pretty bitching. I�m hoping it is because if I go and toss my $10 for it and it blows I will be annoyed.

o The Osbournes were on tonight. Simply fucking marvelous.

o And now to bed, later people.

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