2002-04-08 | 12:32 p.m.

Damn you daylight savings time, damn you!

So I woke up what would be a reasonable hour had the bitch known as daylight savings time not been adapted back into everyone�s life this weekend. But she had, so I woke up late. Lovely. There�s nothing more than I enjoy than running through my morning motions. Really it�s a treat. That and having to skip breakfast! Yes, I�m famished by now, I�m literally blinded by thoughts of scrumptious food. But instead, because I am trying to save cash I brought myself some lunch which let�s face it is leftovers from dinner and while dinner was fabulous yesterday, well leftovers are leftovers.

Oh and to add to that sitting down at work and working through the pile of stuff I had to do I realized I had a hole the size of effing Canada in my pants. And in no discreet location because it was right across my effing crotch! And while I�m sure you dirty bastards all thought the same thing I did (easy access for a quickie), yes it did jump into my thoughts for a brief few seconds. I still had the damn dilemma. So I went up to my boss and thanked my lucky stars she�s a female and explained to her my situations. Through fits of laughter she told me to go buy new pants. I pulled on my coat and headed out the door. 10 minutes later I was back and changed into a new pair of black pants. And sitting on my desk is another pile of work to be done. I don�t usually hate Mondays because they tend to be somewhat mellow in my office but god how I abhore this Monday. I�m hoping that nothing else might happen to damper my moods.

Thursday I have to take a test to be a citizen of the good old US of A. While I love living here in NYC I don�t understand why my father is making me do this. I have serious issues with it. While I�m sure I could joke around and say that after I pass it I can now apply to be a special agent in the FBI and be all Dana Scully like I really don�t give a toss. I want to still be a Brazilian here in NYC. My dad doesn�t really care what I think. He said its good to have that American passport. But if I think about it what�s the difference if I don�t have it or not? We will still have our green cards. They can�t kick us out because we have them. And I�d really like to still be a Brazilian being that I was born in Rio.


It�s annoying. My dad doesn�t understand why I�m unhappy with his decision for the whole family. He does this all the time. We were continuously moving around when I was growing up. I didn�t mind that much till I started growing roots in some places, then it was incredibly painful for me to be torn away. And now, now he wants us all to be Americans and stay here. Which is fine, I�m not going anywhere any time soon. But if we have our green cards it doesn�t really matter. I like American people, I just don�t want to be one of them. I still want to be a Brazilian. And its not like I haven�t fought about this, I have, it�s just that with my dad it�s his word and that�s final. And you�d think with me being 25 years old I could still have my say, but no�they treat my like I�m 8 years old still. Damn it! But I�m not going to get into this again because obviously there�s no use fighting with him because it�s not gonna happen. I thought about being a total punk at the interview and just failing it but then I would look like an ass when I know the majority of the questions already. Still it�s a friggen pain in the ass.

I�ll be checking out more movies this week. Looks like Panic Room will be on Wednesday and on Friday I�ll go see the new Cameron Diaz movie. Both with co-workers. It�s all good. At least this way I get to see movies, I haven�t been doing that in while apart from this week. So I am going to start watching more movies, at least once a week. I figure it�s a good way to get a break from everything and honestly there�s a few movies out there that are worth watching, or at least I want to see them.

OK that�s what�s going on for right now. I�m out.


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