2002-08-15 | 10:38 p.m.

I've been meaning to post because I was getting sick of that last entry, but there really hasn't been much to say. One thing though - it is hot as balls. This hot, steamy, and clammy weather thing NYC has going for it this week is so not winning me over at all. If I could bring in a kiddie pool and sit in it all day I would. But then I think that would get me weird looks at work. Not that I already don't get those but I don't want to feed that beast anymore than I have to.

Ummm, one new thing is that stuff was moved around in my office. The shelf unit I had in one corner is gone and replaced by my filing cabinet. My boss in jest mentioned bean bags for chairs which makes me wonder when did my office turn into the companies dorm room? Not to say that I mind because bean bags are comfortable to sit in, but still talk about lack of professionalism. Then again it's not like I deal with any clients to begin with so either way it doesn't really matter. I'd like to get a comfy chair in the corner that's bare, with perhaps a little table and maybe a magazine or two. A place where you can sit and chill. Perhaps put the candy bowl next to it. I dunno, but the space is just too bare right now and that just makes me itch to decorate it. So I guess I'll see what happens.

God my day was horrid today. Just fucking horrid. One of those day's where everything and anything could go wrong and it did. One of those days where I wish I had just stayed in bed. The whole police rally thing in the morning was the beginning of hell for me. I should of realized it would go downhill from there. Kim and I had to be at the corner right in front of Starbucks for a meeting, but alas we couldn't get through because the whole fucking corner was closed off so that cops could bitch and whine about their lack of salary. And hey I understand they don't get paid enough but neither do I so please don't fuck up my day anymore than it has to get fucked up. Then we tried to cross through crowds to get back into the bliss of our buildings AC. The weather was so foul that it was heavy and just fucking disgusting. It's really too much. We got back and were greeted with the smell of varnish wafting through our halls. The smell was so strong I could taste it on my tongue. They were apparently varnishing the conference room table but didn't think about closing the doors and opening the windows to air it out. Bastards. So the raging headache began and it has still yet to go away. After working through piles and I do mean LARGE piles of work which had to be done all today due to the fact that some of the sales associates are lazy and pull this shit on me all the time I tried to relax for a brief few minutes. No such luck because the headaches never subsided and more work kept piling in. All ASAP.

When the day finally ended Kim and I walked out in the heat and got screwed big time one last time. We were devastated so much that we decided to walk into the Crap and purchased panties. But they were on sale so the money I forked over wasn't damage what so ever. After we just roamed around endlessly not quite believing how badly are day had turned out and hoping that something would happen for the better. We stopped in for frapuccino's at a Starbucks and then roamed some more. It got to a point where we were just walking around in a daze thanks to this fucking weather and the last situation that screwed us over. (Screwed us over big time people, I'm talking about bending over so I can get fucked in a bad way.) Anyways after just feeling as if we were dead weight we split up and I came home and well, I just sat in my chair and started to cry. I guess my family took pity on me because my brother gave me some money and told me that I didn't need to pay him back and my mom pampered me a bit. It felt good. Like fuck everything in my day went wrong but damn my family is wicked cool for being there for me. Plus it was kinda shocking of my brother to have done that because he's usually not so nice like that, well he's nice but not always outright like that.

So yeah in general I had the worst fucking day. I'm hoping that because today was so crappy tomorrow can only get better.

Tomorrow I will be checking my eyes again. I'm going to choose new frames too which will be nice. And I have to re-order more contacts also. But first they need to check my eyes again to make sure that what they think I wear is what I wear. My eyes had to have a week of testing period since the sample contacts they gave me when I first went aren't the usual contacts I wear. Apparently I have dry eye syndrome or something. I have to use these eye drops at night that look and feel like gel. Not the greatest feeling but when I wake up in the morning my eyes feel much better. Ummm...I'm babbling about my eyes. I'll stop now.

And that's it from me. Hopefully only good times ahead. I really need them.

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