2002-10-10 | 12:02 a.m.

Sometimes I wonder if there's something out there that I'm supposed to be doing. Or if not, does that mean I am just the middle man in my life's theory?

Like did my grandmother or mother accomplish something, thus I'm just passing by my life without actually doing much only to have a kid and let the kid be the amazing one? The thing is though, it's not that I am lazy, it's that I just don't care anymore now.

All those what if's running through my head. They're all in the past. Right now I only have one thing I need to do and that thing is eliminate my debt.

I shall continue on the financial path I am on and in a year and a half I will be debt free. After that, well who the fuck knows?! It's not like we all have a lot of time on this earth anyway. And quite honestly, I don't think I was meant to spend it this way. I'm not meant to sit in my little office staring at my computer screen all day long, working away like a slave. And just working to pay bills sucks ass.

I'm meant to be creative in some way. And you know what? I'm too young not to take any chances. So I'm going to fine tune myself this year and a half while I clean up financially and then do something...anything.

p r e v i o u s // n e x t

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