2003-05-29 | 10:09 p.m.

I finally got my first unemployment check. The problem with this though is that by now they owe me 2 checks and have only paid me one. When I went to try to check up on the previous check I was told by an automated voice that that specific check wasn't going to be paid. Lovely. The third week of unemployment and I get screwed over for a week's check. Real classy. Dicks.

The sun was out today and it was such a nice break from the crappy weather we've been having lately. I went downtown and walked about. Stopped into the Paul Frank store as I had never gone in before and tried not to have a heart attack inside the store. That place is hella cute. Also doesn't help that I'm a big Paul Frank fan. Sweet lord they have cute stuff! After I walked around Canal Street looking at fake bags and wondering if I'll ever have enough cash to get the real deal. One day, I hope at least, one day.

I've been sending out resumes like crazy and so far no luck. I'm trying to think positive and not let it get me down but I'll admit I'm seriously frsutrated. The job market is dismal and I have no clue how I'll end up getting something if I do. But at least I hope...so I guess eventually something will come my way. It just sucks donkey balls to have to wait so long.

My birthday is coming up. On June 14th I'm going to be 27 years old. Just looking at that number I feel old. I'm close to 30 and what have I done lately? I know shit can change within the blink of an eye, but where am I in life is what I'd like to know. Where am I and what am I going to do for the rest of my life is another thing. Damn. I just hope it's something that will allow me to be creative and allow me to have fun. Fingers crossed I'll get my dream job and work for Jane magazine too. Hey ya never know right?!

I was supposed to go see a movie tomorrow but that looks like it's a bust as the friend can't make it anymore. I suppose I'll just send out resumes online and relax. Take a day to chill. But for now my ass is getting into bed. I walked all day today and now am dead exhausted. So yeah, off to bed I go!

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