2003-07-06 | 6:48 p.m.

I went out last night. Had a funny night. Mellow. A pitcher of beer with friends and then a few cocktail's. Got picked up and then got driven home by my friend who had rented a car for the weekend. Met up with blank_girl Didn't spend much cash and all in all had a nice night.

Pictures that don't tell a story but I took them of last night:

The 2 friends I hung out with last night:

E pumping some gas...ok so it was funnier than it looks as we were cracking jokes left and right and this creepy guy behind the counter/glass box thing was looking out at us:

A cleaning up some car windows, once again also funnier had you been there (I guess):

To drink or not to? Clearly the choice was obvious:

The drive back home through a tunnel:

p r e v i o u s // n e x t

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